Physicians Advocacy Institute
The materials and resources on this Quality Payment Program (QPP) website are intended as background educational tools for physicians and physician practice staff based on the information available at the time of publication. They are compiled from publicly available resources, and based on PAI and Healthsperien’s understanding and analysis of the QPP. Such understanding may change as further regulatory guidance or clarifications become known or judicial or other interpretations thereof arise.
The materials on this website should not be construed as legal advice. Reliance on this information is not a guarantee that the user will meet the requirements set forth by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ QPP, and/or avoid the negative payment adjustments for failure to meet the program requirements. The information on this QPP website should not be used alone as not each individual physician’s factors can be illustrated to effectively evaluate participation options under the QPP. For individual physician or physician practice questions not covered by these materials and tools, please contact your state medical association.