7. I’m associated with, and bill under, different NPI/TIN combinations, do I have to report data to MIPS under each one/practice? Yes, generally, each NPI/TIN combination is subject to participation in MIPS. However, it is possible that one or more of the NPI/TIN combinations may be exempt from MIPS participation due to the low-volume threshold or participation in an Advanced APM. It is recommended that you use the CMS lookup tool to determine your eligibility status. To use the tool, you will need to know your 10-digit national provider identification (NPI) number. If you participate in an Advanced APM under one NPI/TIN combination and you receive a qualifying participant (QP) determination, you are exempt from MIPS participation for all other NPI/TIN combinations. To learn more about the QP determination and Advanced APM participation, please see the QPP Advanced APM Overview Pages Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)1. What happens if I choose not to report any data to MIPS?2. If I decide to participate in MIPS, how will it benefit my practice?3. I’m concerned about patient privacy and confidentiality. Is patient data submitted to MIPS de-identified?4. Do I have a choice on what I want to report for each MIPS category?5. What is the minimum I have to do to avoid the MIPS penalty in 2023?6. My practice has two locations. One location uses an EHR and the other location uses paper charts. How do I gather the required data for each MIPS category if I am reporting as an individual?7. I’m associated with, and bill under, different NPI/TIN combinations, do I have to report data to MIPS under each one/practice?8. If a physician leaves the group reporting in the middle of the year, how does that impact our success? Comments are closed.