Medicare QPP

Physicians Advocacy Institute

These resources have not been updated since 2023 but the general details remain relevant. For a summary of the key changes for CY 2024, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions Updated for 2023


7. Is the low-volume threshold based on what was billed / number of patients seen in 2022, or will it be 2023?

  1. CMS conducts two eligibility determination periods:
    1. The first eligibility determination period uses the 12 months of data from October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2022 with a 60-day claims run out.   
    2. CMS will run a second eligibility determination for those groups and clinicians that did not meet the low-volume threshold during the first period, and will use data from October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2023 with a 60-day claims run out.
    Both periods apply to the 2023 reporting year. Additionally, if you are exempt based on the first eligibility determination period, CMS will not change your status based on the second eligibility determination period.

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