Medicare QPP

Physicians Advocacy Institute

These resources have not been updated since 2023 but the general details remain relevant. For a summary of the key changes for CY 2024, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions Updated for 2023


5. If I use a 3rd party vendor, does CMS guarantee that all MIPS-related vendors will be successful in submitting data to MIPS? 

  • No, CMS does not guarantee that all vendors will be successful. However, CMS will publish its lists of approved Qualified Clinical Data Registries (QCDRs) and Qualified Registries (QRs) who have been certified as being able to submit data to CMS on behalf of their participants. A qualified registry (QR) is capable of collecting and submitting quality data to CMS on your behalf. The list of CMS-approved QRs can be found here. The list of CMS-approved QCDRs can be found here.

    In addition, CEHRT must meet 2015 Edition functionality criteria by the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC), certifying that they can submit data to CMS in the appropriate format. Visit the ONC Certified Health IT Product List website here. There, you can search by the name of your CEHRT and on the left column you will see the edition for your CEHRT.
    It is recommended that you reach out to your vendors and determine if they have had reporting issues in the past and if/how they have resolved these issues going forward.

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