3. When is the last day I can start participating to avoid a negative payment adjustment? The 2023 performance period for the quality and cost categories is 12 months (January 1 – December 31, 2022) and the performance period for the PI and improvement activities categories is a minimum of a continuous 90-day period within the 2023 calendar year. If you have not begun participating in the QPP, October 3, 2023 is the final day to begin a 90-day reporting of MIPS data to satisfy the 90-day reporting period for the improvement activities and PI categories. To learn more, see PAI’s Improvement Activities Category Overview and PAI’s PI Category Overview. You can also report data for the quality category, but you will need to ensure that you satisfy the 70% data completeness criteria which require that you report the measure for at least 70% of all patients to whom that measure applies. To learn more about the quality category requirements, see PAI’s Quality Category Overview. No data is reported for the cost category, CMS will use claims data to assess performance. Pages QPP in General1. Do I have to register somewhere to tell CMS if I’m in MIPS or an Advanced APM?2. When do I begin participating?3. When is the last day I can start participating to avoid a negative payment adjustment?4. Am I required to participate in both MIPS and an Advanced APM?5. Am I required to participate in the Quality Payment Program (QPP) at all? Comments are closed.