Medicare QPP

Physicians Advocacy Institute

These resources have not been updated since 2023 but the general details remain relevant. For a summary of the key changes for CY 2024, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions Updated for 2023


1. What is the difference between a QP and PQ?

  1. A QP is a Qualifying Advanced APM Participant – A physician who participates in an Advanced APM Entity and meet QP thresholds, is eligible for the 3.5% incentive payment, and is exempt from MIPS.

    A PQ is a Partially Qualifying Advanced APM Participant – A physician who participates in an Advanced APM Entity, meets PQ thresholds but does not meet QP thresholds (PQ thresholds are lower than the QP thresholds), is not eligible for the 3.5% incentive payment, and is exempt from MIPS; but the APM Entity has the option to participate in MIPS to be eligible for a positive payment adjustment.

    Use the CMS APM Lookup tool to determine your status

    To learn more about QP/PQ determinations, please see the Advanced APM Overview resource.

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